Wednesday 13 July 2022

Two Stories about Flying:Questions-Answers-The Black Aeroplane

                  Two Stories about Flying: Questions-Answers-The Black Aeroplane

Part II The Black Aeroplane by Fredrick Forsyth (Notes prepared by Shish Pal Chauhan)

Very Short Qs/Ans. Short Answer-type Qs.

Q1. “I’ll take the risk.” What was the risk? Why does the narrator take it?

Ans. The narrator decided to take the risk of entering the stormy clouds. He wished to reach England at breakfast time. He would like to have a heavy breakfast with his family.

Q2. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm?

Ans. The narrator flew the aeroplane into the storm. There was darkness inside the aeroplane. It started jumping up and down. The compass was also dead. Other instruments were also dead.

Q3. What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

Ans. The narrator asked her about another aeroplane that helped him. But she knew that there was no other aeroplane flying in that stormy weather. So, she looked at the narrator strangely.

Q4.Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely? Give reasons.

Ans. According to the narrator, the pilot of the strange plane helped him come out of the storm. But, I think it was all the product of his imagination. There was no aeroplane seen on the radar that night.

Q5. Describe the black clouds from the point of view of the pilot.

Ans. The clouds were as huge as mountains. They were storm clouds. Their colour was black. They stood just in front of the narrator.

Q6. How did the black aeroplane rescue the first pilot?

Ans. The pilot of the black aeroplane told the narrator to follow him.  The narrator did so. After half an hour, the other plane started going down. The narrator also did so. After some time, the narrator saw the airport below him. He was glad to find himself safe.

Q7. Was the pilot of the Dakota able to meet the pilot of the black aeroplane?

Ans. No, the pilot of the old Dakota was not able to meet him. As he came out of the storm, he looked to see the pilot of the black aeroplane. But no aeroplane was there in the sky.

Q8.Describe the pilot’s flight in his old Dakota before he entered the dark clouds?

Ans. The moon was coming behind the pilot of the old Dakota. The stars were shining in the clear sky. He was happy to be alone flying over the sleeping countryside. The narrator was dreaming of passing his holiday with his family.

                                         Long Answer-type Qs

Q1. How did the black aeroplane help the pilot of the old Dakota?                               Or  How did the black aeroplane rescue the narrator’s flight (first pilot)?

Ans. Everything was normal till the narrator saw dark clouds in front of him. But he took a risk and entered the dark clouds. But soon, he realized the danger. There was darkness inside the aeroplane. It started jumping up and down. The compass was also dead. Other instruments were also dead.  Then he saw another aeroplane flying just next to him. It had no light in its wings. The pilot told him to follow him.  The narrator followed him. There was very less fuel in the old Dakota. Then the other plane started going down. The narrator also did so. After some time, the narrator saw the airport below him. He was glad to find himself safe. But the black aeroplane was nowhere in the sky.

Q2 Describe the flight of the Dakota aeroplane till it landed safely at the airport.

Ans. Same as above in Ans. 1


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